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The Hygge Dictionary

Hooty Hoot

Updated: Dec 13, 2020

Love the way hygge? Enjoying the little things this winter? Let's read something informative and learn a few fun facts and terms about hygge. Doesn't this sound like some secret code terms for your hygge circle? :P

A Word from Hygge Circle

Here are some words from The little book of hygge , by Meik Wiking. A must-have book or a guide for the hygge person.

She writes, Our words shape our actions. So here are some new words that will help you get the hygge on.

  • Fredagshygge

  • sondagshygge

  • Hyggebukser

  • Hyggehjorne

  • HyggeKrog

  • Hyggeonkel

  • Hyggesnak

  • Uhyggeligt

Fredagshygge/ sondagshygge [Fredashooga/sundashooga]

Hygge you have on Fridays or Sundays. After a long week, Fredagshygge usually means the family curling up on the couch together watching TV.

sondagshygge, is about having a slow day with tea, books, music, blankets and the occasional walk if things go crazy.

A Fredagshygge tradition in the family was candy and watching a Disney movie

Hyggebukser [hoogabucksr]

That one pair of pant you would never wear in public but are so comfortable that they are likely to be secretly your favourite.

|| She just needs a day for herself, so she stayed at home in her hyggebuckser and watched her favourite movies.

Hyggehjornet [hoogajornet]

To be int he mood for hygge, literal meaning ' the corner of hygge'.

||I'm in hyggejornet

HyggeKrog [hoogacrow]

The nook of a kitchen or the living room where one can sit and have a hyggelig time.

|| Let's sit in Hyggekrog


A person who plays with kids and may be little too lenient. Literal meaning:'the uncle of hygge'.

|| He's such a Hyggeonkel

Hyggesnak [hoogasnak]

Chit chat or cosy conversatiopn that doesn't touch on controversial issues.

|| we hyggesnakkede for a couple of hours

Hyggestund [hoogastun]

A moment of hygge

|| He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat in his window for a hyggestund.


While hygge and hyggelig may be difficult to translate into English, it is not the case when it comes to antonym of hygge. uhggeligt(un hygge) means creepy or scary and this provides us with some insight into how central the feeling of safety is to hygge.

|| walking alone through the woods at night is unhyggeligit if you hear a wolf howling.


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